Tag Archives: sale

Breaking Bread

It’s no secret among those who know me that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  The holiday of gluttony and naps I always joke.  But that’s nearer to the truth than most would admit.

It’s a time for sharing with friends and family.  A time to reflect upon the rapidly receding year. I love the new  holiday this has evolved into called Friendsgiving, where we share a meal and company with a chosen family if we can’t be with our loved ones.  Isn’t that a great idea?  Since people are spread out all over the country now, we find friends that we can share the spirit of the day with.

Other than the cooking and food shopping, there isn’t really much to preparing for the day.  No presents to buy and wrap.  Minimal decorations.  No cards to mail.  Just sit back and relax, enjoy our company, talk, argue, maybe watch some football on TV.  That always leads to more loud discussions. 

I always like the term breaking bread which actually extends beyond Thanksgiving.  The idea of sharing food is universal among all cultures.  A little while ago I did an entire series of paintings called Breaking Bread which depicted people eating together, or sometimes alone, the aftermath of the table, or even the presence of a well-loved furry member of the family.  I tried to capture the warmth of the occasion.  I think this was one of the most missed things about our isolation during the pandemic.

In honor of my favorite holiday, I am holding a temporary sale on all of the Breaking Bread series of paintings, a whopping 50% off!  And free shipping, too.  The sale will only be for a couple of more weeks so if you see something you like, grab it. These are all original paintings on stretched canvas which should arrive in plenty of time for the other big end of year holidays. 

Check them out on my Etsy shop at kitmiracleart.com

Super Summer Sale continues!

Farmers’ Market, Saturday Morning. Original painting, acrylic on canvas board, 16 x 20. Kit Miracle (Frame not included.) On sale now!

My super summer sale continues. Adding new paintings every day. Extreme discounts of 40 to 70% off. Maybe your favorite painting is on sale now. Check back often. https://www.etsy.com/shop/KitMiracleArt?ref=l2-shop-info-name&section_id=22114364

Wyoming Landscape, 16 x 20, acrylic on canvas. Kit Miracle, on sale now!

Fresh flowers for spring!

Are you tired of winter and ready for something new?  Try adding some fresh flower paintings to your home for a new look.  Both of my Etsy shops are having a sale of 20% off ALL flower paintings or even any painting with some flowers in it.  No limit except for the time.  Sale ends April 30th.  Check out the links below.

Etsy KitMiracleArt  click here!

Etsy shop My90Acres click here!

Spring sale. 20% off all flower paintings or any painting with flowers in it. No limit. All in my Etsy shop KitMiracleArt.

Spring ad for Etsy shop my90acres. 20% off all flower paintings. All original. No limit.

Open Studio Sale

You may have wondered where the heck I’ve been the past few weeks.  The truth is that I was preparing to have an open studio sale.  This is where you invite your friends, former patrons, even the public in general to come to your studio to buy some really great artwork at some really great prices.  In other words, to relieve you of the crap you’re stumbling over all the time. 

It dawned on me this summer that I can’t keep creating paintings without moving some of them out the door.  I used to do several art fairs a year and was pretty prolific at making work for sale.  Since I’ve had a full-time job for the past several years, I don’t have the opportunity to get out in the public to promote and sell my work.  Yes, I still do exhibits once in a while, but it’s difficult to sell the work and hold the job.  So…..

After being totally fed up with tripping over boxes of paintings, I decided that it was time to have an open studio sale.  I haven’t had one in several years so it took some planning and organization.

Generally I like to have the sale in the fall, well before the holiday season.  If you wait too late, then everyone is busy.  Autumn is pretty in my part of the world and everyone is still relaxed enough to enjoy a ride to see the trees.

I had my sale on October 20th but began promoting it at least six weeks earlier and planned for it even earlier.  I designed postcards, mailed them out to about everyone I could think of locally or within an hour’s drive.  This included co-workers, relatives, friends, patrons…just about anyone I could think who might be interested.  I mailed out about 160 postcards and gave away many more.  I promoted it heavily on my Facebook page, too.  The general rule of thumb is that 40% of the people you invite will come and about 20% will buy.  I’ve found that about 25% of the people I invite will attend but 95% will buy.  Nearly everyone bought multiple paintings, too.  It was a very good day.

I’ll add my back time list here soon, but generally, you need to plan back from the time of your event.  (This is what I do for my full-time job so it’s pretty natural to me.)  I began telling everyone the date as soon as I set it, even though I didn’t formally send out my postcards until about six weeks early.  Clean your studio.  Make your inventory.  And price your work as if you really want it to MOVE.  I put fire-sale prices on my work.  Yes, this was way cheaper than I would normally sell the paintings, but I asked myself, how much longer do I want to keep moving these around?  Also, there is the matter of stored paintings not being in the best conditions.  Do you want to let them sit there and mildew or do you want someone to actually put it on their walls and enjoy them?  I chose the latter.  Some people got some really great deals.  But I got a lot of cash and lots more space.  😉  Works for everyone.

I will note one thing is that I didn’t put everything I have created for sale.  I kept back my best or newest work.  Most of the work I sold were older pieces or what I call my practice pieces.  These included many of my plein air pieces, too.  So now I can buy more art supplies to create more paintings!  Yeah!  I also recommend actually removing your best pieces from your studio as I had people digging through my storage of things I didn’t even have out for sale.

In general, this is what I do for an Open Studio Sale.

  • Plan ahead, set your date at least three months out.
  • Create, order and mail your announcements.
  • Clean and organize your studio; decide exactly what you want to sell.
  • Create your inventory list, be realistic about rock bottom. prices….really, how much longer do you wish to look at this work?
  • Plan for some food.  I do homemade minnestrone soup, bread, cookies, and lots of wine.
  • Get some help the day of the event.  Enlist a friend, spouse, or child to help greet guests, wrap paintings, write up sales or restock supplies.
  • At the end of the day, have a glass of wine (or two), sit back and enjoy the warm glow of all the people who love your work enough to buy it.
  • Update your inventory list.  Mail thank you notes.  Get ready for more fun.

I’ll come back soon to put up my actual check-off list. 

Good food and beverage is always an enticement. The wine and coffee were outside.

Display in the front studio.

Display in the back studio. Notice the extra light. That really seemed to help.